Can Old Fashioned Coffee Grinders Grind Up Corn Mash Recipe
- #2
no idea...are you lot able to accommodate the vanquish? If so, you lot might be onto something. I'm guessing fifty-fifty the most coarse crush might be too fine for grain. Might be worth a shot trying anyway.
Are you able to disassemble it to see if you can manually adapt the crush?
- #iii
I wait it'd just completely shred the husk and you'd be left with no useable filter bed and an "increased risk" for leached tannins. Otherwise, even on the grade grind setting it'd likely reduce the grain to as well fine a grit.
Only, anything is possible. Best bet is to get some grain and run it through.
- #v
Endeavour it, run into what the vanquish looks similar.
- #7
Please do.
I have an old Bunn Industrial size grinder myself. The kind they use in diners right next to the big bunn baste machines.
I haven't tried it yet but have e'er been meaning to.
- #8
My LHBS has something like. I'1000 not sure of the make or model, only it is an onetime schoolhouse coffee mill. I'm pretty certain theirs is adjustable, but non on the wing. It gives a pretty adept crush, with maybe a bit too much flour, merely the hulls remain reasonably intact. I've never had problems with stuck sparges or tannins leeching. Give it a shot. Worst case you're out a few pounds of grain.
- #9
My last batch was run through a kitchen aid burr grinder. It worked well, and yeah it was a hurting. (small amounts at a time, wont be a problem with yours)
- #ten
My guess is y'all have a burr grinder, non a blade grinder like a small-scale home java grinder. I don't know for grain, simply this is designed to crush beans past two wheels rather than shred with the blade.
Not having e'er brewed AG, I call up it would work if information technology is grade enough.
- #11
My final batch was run through a kitchen aid burr grinder. It worked well, and yep it was a pain. (small amounts at a fourth dimension, wont be a problem with yours)
Yeah, my Bunn grinder bin would probably agree 8-9 pounds of grain. When I used information technology for coffee. I was able to grind about 120 lbs per hour.
These grinders are very similar in burr blueprint to Corona mills. The biggest question is whether the anchors on both sides will permit the burrs to part plenty to do grade malt grind.
- #12
I was wondering the aforementioned thing the other day as I have a GIANT retail coffee grinder too. I will be interested to hear if it works.
- #xiii
When I used it for coffee. I was able to grind about 120 lbs per hour.
You must have been bouncing off the walls.
My LHBS uses a Grindmaster grinder. In fact, I find that they don't grind it fine enough, and my efficiency suffers. There are still some intact grains by the time information technology is done. Conversely though, it would certainly exist possible to turn it all into flour!
- #14
My money thinks it volition work very well if ready right...maybe more than people will start using them if the price is right. Those things seem like they could crush a silos worth of grain.
- #15
My money thinks information technology will work very well if set right...perhaps more people will get-go using them if the cost is right. Those things seem similar they could crush a silos worth of grain.
The motor on this matter is ridiculous. Depending on where its plugged in when I push the button it dims the lights and sounds like when the Ghostbusters flip their backpacks on. The problem I have, and the reason I oasis't tested it even so is that it does weigh something like 80 pounds and information technology trips my GFI circuit in the basement. I demand to lug it up to one of the outlets in my kitchen.
I accept been working out with free weights for a few months to build the necessary muscles to carry information technology up the stairs. Soon . . .
- #xvi
I have been working out with gratuitous weights for a few months to build the necessary muscles to carry information technology up the stairs. Soon . . .
Lazy homo suggests an extension string...j/k. Why is information technology blowing the GFI?? Too many amps, or is their other issues?
- #17
Lazy human being suggests an extension cord...j/k. Why is it blowing the GFI?? Too many amps, or is their other issues?
I don't know. I do know I can run a 10K BTU Air-conditioning and a drill and a lamp on the same circuit without tripping it.
- #19
Ok this thread has inspired me to play around. I'm not sure if I like it. Have a look:
This has a couple whole grains that made it through but otherwise information technology looks okay. Not too much flour. I think I'll go a hair finer and try a batch with information technology.
By the way, this is the .75 second setting. I think I'll be able to grind for a batch in most thirty seconds.
- #20
Adjusted grind (I like this one plenty to give information technology a try for brewing tomorrow
(EDIT: I will go one more turn effectively after looking at these photos.)
- #22
Looks like setting up another craigslist search is in order.
- #23
I detect this thread very interesting. I retrieve you might be on to something if it works out ok!
I accept i of these burr style java grinders that I no longer use:
Perhaps I volition have to play with grinding some grain and seeing how it comes out. The to a higher place coffee grinder can go on sale for equally trivial as $10 if you lot go along your eyes peeled.
Funny, I have ane of those somewhere in my basement. It was my very first burr grinder. It lasted less than three weeks for me earlier the burr holders started relaxing and the grind became very uneven. You say you're no longer using it. You might have constitute the same thing.
You amend make a nice big pot of java if you program to settle in and grind 10 lbs of coffee with it. Could be there for a couple hours.
- #24
We take a burr grinder in the kitchen. The directions that came with it are rather specific about not running it also long at one become (I retrieve 2 or three minutes is specified) due to motor damage. Simply doing a pot'south worth of coffee beans at a time, this is hardly an effect. When it comes to grinding upwardly 15 pound grain bills, I recollect I'd lunch the motor in brusk order. Those giant restaurant / grocery store grinders are probably good to go, if they put a proficient vanquish on the grain. Right now, I'm pretty happy with my Corona manufacturing plant.
- #25
My first batch results are in. Meh. Incredibly easy. Took four minutes to grind 11 lbs for my batch. The grind was subpar though. Lots of flour and quite a few whole kernels made it through.
sparge was dull so I tin't actually go finer to get rid of the whole kernels plus my efficiency was bottomless. ~66% abysmal.
Looks like I'g gonna stick with my corona for the fourth dimension existence.
- #27
I've been using an old Bunn grinder for years. Works okay if adjusted but correct, but needs alot of fine tuning. In one case set, lock it.
I have a Grindmaster industrial coffee grinder and trying to find out what yous set it at to get proficient beat without excessive flour?
Thank you
- #28
I accept a Grindmaster industrial coffee grinder and trying to detect out what you ready it at to go proficient crush without excessive flour?
I would try information technology at the coarsest setting and take it from at that place, is that's still too fine you can modify it or replace information technology....
- #29
For those that are thinking this would be a cheap manner out, be aware that commercial coffee grinders are very expensive. You might get lucky on CL, but I would be stunned if this became a tendency. New ones like those in grocery stores are upwards of $thousand.
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